Wednesday, May 22, 2013

THE SECOND CUT IS THE DEEPEST.........My Involuntary Medium Chop.

My memories of my big chop three years ago are not unpleasant ones. It didn't take much coercing, prompting or prodding and as a matter of fact it was not prematurely thought out but was done spontaneously on day after a routine wash. I knew I would eventually have to do it but hadn't planned on doing it until the distant future. I had started by just doing interim trims in between my protective styles and on the day of my big chop I had planned to do just that, when I had a "what the heck" moment and just cut it all off. I fell instantly in love with my very short, easy to manage natural hair and was very enthusiastic about the journey ahead.
I have learnt a great deal along the way and have had many experiences as I progressed along. One not so pleasant experience is my recent involuntary medium chop which I was forced to do because of my overexposure to protein. I discovered that my hair is protein sensitive after using a line of four products which all contained protein. After completing the process of applying all the products, my hair instantly felt nothing short of a brillo pad, it was dry and crusty to say the least. This happened more than six months ago and ever since it happened I have been deep conditioning and using moisturizing products which seemed to correct the problem while the products remained on my hair, but once the moisture left my hair it would revert to feeling very dry and coarse again. I started doing some research as to possible causes and realized that protein
overdose was a probable cause.
Like I said, once I applied moisture my hair felt fine and certainly looked great to the naked eye so although I was bothered by it I still continued to do what I had to do. I also started trimming gradually to get rid of the portions of hair that felt damaged on a gradual basis. Last week I decided to just "cut" my losses and just do a massive chop after I was challenged by my very own article written for Newd Magazine titled "Activate Your Trimming Radar"
The article speaks about identifying signs that you needed a trim, and I knew I needed a little more than just a trim so I took my own advice and decided to do the dreaded act of cutting my hair.
It was not very easy to do. In total I had cut off over 8 months worth of hair growth totaling about four inches....I am sad about it but I know it is hair and it will grow back. Now that I am aware of my hair's protein sensitivity I am able to better chose the products that work best for my hair and I am Looking forward to growing a healthy head of hair....woohoooo!!!!!


  1. This is very interesting, I too have been using produts with protein but never thought it would of caused dryness to my hair, I always assume it was the weather and the climate changes but now I know, thanks Candie. Btw can you recommend and products for growth?

  2. Thanks Amoy....Not everone's hair will react this way to protein, in fact protein is good if used in the correct dosage. I just think I overdid it, I have used protein moderately before and it had no negative effects. As for hair growth I am not a believer that products have any great impact on it, I believe that lifestyle, diet, genes, and proper hair care play a more important role. If your hair is kept healthy it will thrive and retain length but i don't think products speed up growth.

    1. Really thanks. I am doing tthis natural thing and I have just braiding my hair with extentions, because I read that productive styles is good for my hair. I am considering lockinh my hair because it is very hard for me to mangae and I refuse to put any chemicals or heating in it. Can you give me some tipa as to what I should do to better care for my hair. ..


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