Wednesday, March 13, 2013

The ABCs of Natural Hair

Natural Hair care can become overwhelming if there is lack of or misuse of knowledge. Simple tips can be very helpful and can make a world of difference in the life of a natural. Consider the following alphabetical tips to be be shared daily in increments of three, which will serve as a point of information or in some cases a reminder.

A - Accelerate hair growth by adopting a diet high in fruits and vegetables and drinking lots and lots of water. Vitamin E for example improves circulation to the scalp. When your scalp does not have enough blood circulation, the roots of your hair don't receive enough nutrients  to support the strength and life of your hair follicle. Vitamin deficiencies resulting from an unhealthy diet can cause dry brittle hair, which makes your hair more likely to break and as a result not retain length.

B - Brushing your hair too often is not a good idea. Excessive brushing of your hair can actually pull them out of their follicles. Brushing should be avoided or kept at a bare minimum.If you must brush your natural hair try to do so using a Denman wide bristled brush.

C - Cover your hair at nights or whenever you sleep, with a satin bonnet or scarf. This protects the hair from being exposed to breakage. Direct exposure to the fabric used to make bedding can have a drying effect on your hair and the friction between your hair and the bedding can also cause your hair to break. Covering your hair also helps to maintain moisture.

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