Wednesday, February 29, 2012

GRAPESEED OIL - The Natural Heat Protectant Alternative

It is always a quest of mine to find Natural alternatives to sometimes damaging hair products that are on the market. Many Heat Protectants contain alcohol and tend to have a drying effect on your hair.
Grapeseed oil is a great heat protectant because it has a high burn point. It has the ability to withstand heat up to about 420 Degrees (F). Unlike many over the counter protectants, Grapeseed Oil offers a bonus benefit in that it also supplies your hair with sheen and moisture which will ultimately reduce brittleness, strengthen your hair strands and protect against split ends. The oil is very light and is easily absorbed into the hair. It is also packed with antioxidants which helps protect your hair from various free radicals. The best thing about Grapeseed oil is that it can be safely applied to all hair types.
I am not an advocate for using heat, and in fact I have been "Heat-Free" for almost two years, but if you must use heat, then my advice is to give your hair the best possible protection. It is not advisable to turn the heat up on your curling iron above 420 degrees as it will not effectively protect your hair from heat levels above that. Grapeseed Oil offers a simple solution for more healthy, radiant hair.

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