Introducing Paula Allen-Bobb...... Actress/Singer/Model/Writer/First Lady from Toronto, Canada. Paula has a unique sense of style and has always pushed the envelope where hairstyle and fashion are concerned. She prides herself in her ability to create her own individual trends and is always thinking outside the box where her appearance is concerned. She is known for her willingness to try various hairdos and is famous for her high-fashioned looks. She recently embarked on a natural hair journey and is already having lots of fun with it. I chatted with her a little and got a chance to get a peek at her purpose and plans as a naturalista.
1.What was the inspiration behind your decision to go natural?
Miss my natural hair, longing for change so I decided to go back to my roots.
2.Has the physical change triggered any emotional change and has it in any way affected your self-image?
I was always confident that I'm a beautiful woman, cutting it all off boosted this confidence
3. How has your friends and families responded to your new look?
My friends all love my look and admire my boldness to go all the way.
My hubby prefers long hair but says I look beautiful whatever I do to my hair
4. Being on set everyday and doing castings for varied roles, do you think that going natural will affect the number or types of roles that you are considered for?
I would hope not! If anything it should get me more work since I'm working with my ethnicity you want black here we go black, bold, beautiful,& loving it!
5. Have you established a daily regimen for your natural hair?
For now just water and hair oil.
6. Many people think that natural hair is unattractive and isn't very versatile....what is your take on it?
I must admit its as the term suggest " natural" hence it's a simpler look, you have to be a born diva to pull it off, and naturally beautiful. Mixed genes is also a plus. It's up to the individual to work the look. Its hard work, skill, confidence & favor that will help to pull off this look.
7. Do you have a natural hair celebrity that you admire?
Not really, I admire those who take care of their natural look and is not afraid to rock it!
8. What goals have you set for your hair for the next 12 months?
None, I'll take it as it comes, & maybe search around for natural products to soften the hair & make it manageable. I'm not stressn one day at a time!
9. Have you had any regrets so far about your decision to go natural and what do you love most about having natural hair?
No regrets. I look forward to see my hair grow back strong, healthy and long, I'm very happy about not having to use all this chemical in my hair anymore
10. How did you transition into becoming totally natural and what transitioning styles did you do?
I just gradually cut off perm ends until all was gone, then I went to the barbers & got a Mohawk
11. If you were to give words of encouragement to other women who are opposed to going natural, what would they be?
Risk, confidence, beauty, low-maintenance!