Sunday, August 21, 2011

The Convenience of Co-Washing

On Friday I was faced with a dilemma. My hair was semi-dirty and I was experiencing a little itching. I knew I was overdue for a protein treatment and had plans to do one next week when I did my wash routine.  I definitely didn't want to go through a regular shampoo and conditioner process, neither did I have the time to spare to go through with all of that based on the tight schedule I had. At the same time I wanted to address the itching and dryness that I was experiencing. 
I decided to do the the emergency version of my wash routine. I did what is called a co-wash. This is a quick, easy, and very effective wash method. Co-Washing is the process by which you wash the hair with conditioner only, or in my case conditioner and oils. Co-washing avoids harsh results from frequent washing with shampoos and helps to keep natural black hair soft and manageable. I use any cheapie conditioner along with black Jamaican Castor oil, Extra-Virgin Olive oil and Essential oil of peppermint to do my co-wash. After applying the mixture, I use the finger tips to massage it into my scalp and gently rub it into my hair, ensuring that the entire length of my strands are saturated. I cover with a plastic cap for 30 minutes and then rinse. The end result is clean, soft and shiny hair.Try it and style and desired.  

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